TS I.  America is White Christian Nation; there shall be no secular authorities before Him

Separation of church and state is a betrayal of history, the founders, and the Constitution.

  • The God Bless the USA Bible is the highest moral and legal authority of the land, and no law or regulation shall be promulgated without explicit Biblical authority.
  • While non-Christians will continue to enjoy substantial rights, no atheist, agnostic, Satanist, Islamite, or Jewish person who fails to acknowledge the authority of the New Testament, nor practitioners of any other exotic non-Christian religions, nor any person who refuses to take the Pledge of Allegiance (TvP Edition)shall be permitted to hold any federal public office, occupy a civil service position higher than GS-10, or practice any licensed profession including those of teacher, lawyer, pesticide applicator, or physician, except in the practice of chiropractic medicine (per B. Windrip principles, revised edition).
  • While all citizens are entitled to vote, in keeping with the authoritative principles of Carl Schmitt, persons reasonably suspected of anti-Christian sentiment may be subject to special elective safeguards, such as White Christian (WC) designed literacy tests, ability to estimate the number of jelly beans in a jar, or earnest scrutiny by heavily armed election integrity officers.

TS II.!-- /wp:paragraph -->   The American Government’s authority is strictly limited to the enforcement of White Christian principles and the common defense

  • President for Life TvP and his proper successors, wielding authority under the Divine Executive Theory recently validated by the Supreme Court, have the power and the obligation to abolish virtually all executive agencies not dedicated to Christian theocracy or internal and external security, as well as the inherently unconstitutional rules and regulations promulgated by them. This power of nullification shall extend to the Constitution, if deemed necessary by the Executive.
  • A special investigation and enforcement authority, the Christian Soldiers, supervening the Department of Justice and FBI, will have extensive powers to assure that all citizens enjoy the freedoms and privileges that come from adherence to biblical rules and principles.
  • The Armed Forces of the United States will be substantially reinforced, authorized to operate on domestic soil, and, based on broken window theory, will be given extensive field discretion to annihilate incipient threats to national security with nuclear weapons that will be made available down to the platoon level.

TS III.  Human lives are sacred; the paramount duty of procreation shall not be hindered

  • Abortion is murder. Aiding and abetting abortion is murder. Knowing about and failing to report abortion is murder. Not knowing about when one should have and not reporting abortion is murder. Abortion shall be a capital crime for all parties directly and indirectly, knowingly or negligently, involved in same throughout all the states and territories of these United States. The origins and circumstances, situational or medical, of any pregnancy are deemed irrelevant.
  • The very germ cells that give rise to the creation of children are also filled with the sacred potentiality of life, and these may not be impeded at any stage by artificial means, and such contraception will be made a crime.
  • Contraceptive exceptions, including mandatory orders, may be made by the Regional Subcommittees regarding immigrants and people identified individually or collectively as “others” or enemies of the people.

TS IV.  The Family consists of one White Christian Man and one White Christian Women making White Christian Babies within a Christian marriage

White Christian Families are the cornerstone of America.

  • WC men are strong, hard-working bread winners who love NASCAR, football, and mixed martial arts. They coach T-Ball and are capable of shooting many types of guns.
  • WC women are modest, obedient, fertile and devoted first and foremost to the most sacred and glorious duties of motherhood and domesticity. Laws and educational curricula at all levels that encourage women to deviate from their biblical roles, including those promoting gender equality, contraception use by WC women, equal pay, and workforce Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), will be abolished.
  • Women who bear certified WC children will be eligible for patriot baby bounties and will be afforded extra votes in all government elections.
  • Divorce is biblically and patriotically incorrect; standards for granting same will be raised significantly. Men, who rarely initiate divorce proceedings, will be able to file for divorce on their own initiative, especially on grounds of procreative resistance. Women deserve the utmost respect for their role in the WC family, and they will have the ability to petition the local council of male family values counselors for permission to file divorce actions due to extreme circumstances.
  • Homosexuality, same-sex fornication and marriage, gender fluidity in all its mutations, all forms of deviance purportedly represented by the acronym “LGBQTIA+” and its proliferations, transgender care of any kind, and pornography as defined by The Committee, will be criminalized.
  • The WC Family Codes will be enforced vigorously by wholesome and watchful community-based family values counselors.

TS V.  America is God’s Fortress. It will be defended against criminal invaders and entanglements with foreign agencies.

As a Sovereign Christian Nation, America will use any measures necessary to exclude illegal immigrants and other undesirables from entering our sacred country. It is well documented that most illegal and many legal immigrants are violent, drug-smuggling gang members and rapists, and/or genetically compromised individuals who are escaping from criminal justice in or have been deported by their native countries.

  • The Omnibus Exclusionary Act will identify classes of people, especially those from shithole countries, who pose a threat to the godliness, peace and ethnocultural purity of the land, and The Committee shall have absolute authority over such designation.
  • Birthright citizenship will be abolished.
  • The US Border Patrol and the Armed will be provided with significantly enhanced tactical equipment including appropriate combat aircraft equipped with XM915 Gatling guns and cluster munitions.
  • The Tantor von Pyubengrabbler Memorial Border Wall and Mine Field (TvPMBWMF) between the U.S. and Mexico will be completed and continuously improved in accordance with Lean Six Sigma methodology. Because of its mission, grandeur, and heartwarming operational culture, the TvP MBWMF will also serve as a major patriotic tourist destination.
  • Illegal aliens and their sponsors, associates and enablers already inside this country will be identified and deported.
  • Expanding on existing prototypes, humane, high throughput internment camps will support swift deportment through an integrated system of Rapid Expulsion Portals.

TS VI.  White Christian Capitalism is the fundamentalist economic system of WC America

It is recognized that the free market, guided by the Divine Hand, is the font of all productivity and prosperity. The merits of Christian capitalism reach back the earliest colonial days of America. Entrepreneurial WC colonists, because of their superior practices and products, were rapidly able to out-compete indigenous entities for a commanding market share of America’s land, resources, goods and services.

  • In order to fully realize the freedom and dignity that attends divine market forces, Social Security, Medicare, federal funds for Medicaid, and subsidized health care in all forms will be abolished.
  •  Taxes will be drastically reduced, especially for extremely high net worth capitalists who drive the economy from within, drive trickles down into floods of descending wealth, and create all opportunities for others to prosper.
  • Children will be unleashed to exercise the virtues of honest work in the conditions and hours needed by industry to meet their financial goals. Other practices that increase competitiveness and provide flexibility for both capital and labor, such as low wages, prosecution of union agitators, part-time employment, and making almost everybody a subcontractor, will not be impeded by suffocating employment laws.

Free markets are critical to the exercise of WC capitalism. However, Globalism is a satanic concept that gives other nations equal standing with WC America, dilutes WC American moral fiber, weakens WC American initiative and character, and represents an existential threat to American economic independence.

  • Strict embargos, tariffs, duties and other protective measures will be applied to stem the foreign product and services invasion and protect American’s divine enterprise system.
  • Strangling relationships such as NATO and the UN will be suspended or cancelled.
  • Engagements involving the security interests of foreign nations, especially countries being rightfully invaded by Russia, will be terminated.

TS VII.  Jesus is our Master Teacher. A White Christian education is essential to promote a healthy, righteous, and God-fearing republic

Public schools have long been instruments of secular corruption, false history, and “scientific” heresy.

  • The Department of Education and all teachers unions will be abolished.
  • The decayed public school system will be replaced with a God Bless the USA Bible-based charter school system. Non-Christians will be able to form their own self-funded schools, which will be granted conditional accreditation as long as nothing in their curricula departs from divinely inspired state policy, makes White children feel bad, or promotes criticism of the President for Life.

All citizens of WC America enjoy a sacred right to free speech. However, free speech is not an absolute right.  Free speech may not be used to promote communism, deviance, disgusting sexual mores, Critical Race Theory, or non-biblical values. Nor may it be used to defend speech, books, or other messaging content that makes WCs feel bad about historical events and sociological phenomena that aren’t their fault.

  • Mothers for Purity will be given all necessary powers to define and enforce appropriate codes and standards, including prudent administrative measures such as selective quotation and misrepresentation, denouncement, banning and incineration.

TS VIII.  God is the Chief Scientist of the Universe; His design and operations reign supreme.

Approximately 6000 years ago, God created the world, along with our original White ancestors, Adam and his fertile companion Eve. He intelligently designed all of the Earth’s physical systems, especially coal, oil and gas, and all subhuman animal and vegetable life. Human scientific and technological endeavor is a noble and powerful enterprise. It has brought humans many blessings, including the internal combustion engine, assault rifles with fully automatic conversion kits, the electric light bulb, Viagra, the telephone, fertilizer, televangelism, airplanes, computers, and collagen injections. However, all disciplines are subject to abuse. Certain atheist “scientists,” clothing themselves in sophistical credentials and arcane formalities, and coddled by the elite universities, have propagated false ideas that undermine the Christian faith, corrupt our youth, and undermine sound White Christian American policies. Three particularly repugnant false ideas infect our nation today: the theory of evolution; anthropogenic climate change, and vaccine efficacy.

  • All three of these false doctrines will be wholly abolished.
  • Their proponents, including sympathetic reporters and abettors of these views, will be criminally prosecuted for heresy.
  • Please see the Heresy Addendum below for a fuller explanation of these pernicious heterodoxies.

TS IX.  GG&GMAG: White Christian Americans have the right to defend their freedom, and they deserve to be safe at home and on the streets

While the Omnibus Exclusion Act, by stemming the noxious invasion of migrant criminals, will substantially reduce crime in WC America, other internal threats to wives and children remain.

  • Police forces will be given the weapons, immunities, and expanded field discretion necessary to stop crime at its very roots. Permissive enforcement, prosecution and sentencing practices, such as warning before shooting unarmed suspects, allowing people of color to drive cars wearing hoodies and not keeping their hands visible at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel at all times, prosecuting minors differently from adults, reminding people of their rights, giving short sentences that amount to publicly funded vacations before criminals return to the streets refreshed, and granting parole, will be annulled.
  • Capital punishment will be levied for truly serious crimes, such as murder, rape committed by minorities or immigrants, breaking windows in White neighborhoods, resisting orders during routine traffic stops by sassing police officers while being a minority, and treason. Such executions will be conducted swiftly and publicly (30-60 days in most cases), representing a significant savings of cost and time.

It is impossible to maintain our rights, freedom, safety and the American way without overwhelming firepower. The right to bear arms, up to and including advanced rocket systems, and to carry them on one’s WC person at all times and in any place in America, shall not be infringed.

  • Stand-your-ground laws will be reinforced nationally to assure that WC Americans can defend themselves within a robust “portable zone of freedom and safety” including defensively shooting anyone posing a threat by using or having proximate or remote access to weapons, using unpatriotic language (especially insults to the President for Life), or belonging to a minority and/or leftist group whose presence could create a plausible threat to physical and emotional security, or anyone who is an illegal alien.

TS X.  White Christian Americans have a right to dominion over the Promised Land

Entire coastal regions and many urban centers, especially those hosting virulent nests of effete intellectualism (Universities) are consumed by a treatment-resistant spiritual and political sepsis. The proper body of WC America must be protected from the ravages of this infection. It is therefore necessary and proper to establish a transformative overlying national jurisdiction that reflects and distinguishes these WCA Red Prefects from pustulant leftist Blue Prefects.

  • This Red & White vs. Blue Prefecture System (RWBPS) will supervene the current federal political geography, constitute the new voting districts for all federal elections, and provide a more granular framework for the application of sanative policies.
  • Federal funding will be severely restricted in Blue Prefects, pending restoration of appropriate beliefs and policies.
  •  A RWBPS electoral college system, created by the Founders for election of the President, will be installed for all elections of representatives of the new prefects to both houses of Congress to prevent WC Americans from being outvoted and tyrannized by the anti-American majority.
  • Freedom Cities will be established in Red Prefects and will enjoy the resources necessary serve as magnets and models to the rest of our Christian Nation, including access to reparations for WCs who have suffered discrimination, oppression and displacement over the past decades.


  1. The Heresy of Evolution.

The false theory of evolution insults both God and man by claiming that our White ancestors descended from monkeys. It denies extensive fossil evidence, especially contemporaneous footprints, which proves that dinosaurs and humans coexisted. It licenses support for human genetic modification and excuses sexual and gender identity deviance.

  • While it will be permissible to acknowledge that many people actually believe in the theory of evolution, all God Bless the USA Bible-based theocratic charter schools and federally funded universities and research institutions will teach and adopt Creation Science as the only valid, evidence-based explanation of the biological and geological world.
  • Likewise, all federal laws, policies and implementation programs will be founded on Creation Science.
  • The national teaching curriculum and scientific guidelines for federal research and policy will be curated by distinguished scholars from the Museum of Intelligent Creation and Design in Babeltown, Tennessee, which panel will be chaired by internationally renowned biologist and scientific historian Candell Bacon.
  • The Heresy of Anthropogenic Climate Change

God intelligently designed the earth, its atmosphere, its biosphere, and its natural dynamics including weather, climate, and propagation of demons via the luminiferous ether. Climate and weather have undergone significant natural variation for over six millennia. It is a ludicrous and dangerous fabulation to claim that adverse climatological effects could arise from man’s beneficial use of God-given fossil fuels over just a couple of centuries. Even a child making a snowman in their backyard under the watchful eyes of their WC parents can see that global warming is a hoax.

  • Federal funding for all climate change research and alternative energy technology development will be terminated.
  • WC America will withdraw from all international scientific and policy activities purporting to address spurious anthropogenic climate change.
  • All funds thereby saved, and more as necessary, will be directed toward incentivizing more rapid drilling and production of oil and gas (“DrillBabyDrill”) and increased extraction of coal, including exploitation of “orphan” coal deposits such as low-grade lignite, whose production has been artificially depressed by misguided environmental regulations.
  • Licensing of new coal fired power plants will be expedited.
  • Electric Vehicles will be subjected to a gargantuan tax, unless manufactured by industrialists who give millions of dollars to loyal elected officials.
  • A supporting technical circular “The Fuels of God” will be published shortly.
  • The Heresy of Vaccination

During better times in America, vaccines may have occasionally helped protect public health. In recent decades, however, a malignant partnership has emerged between left wing public health agencies intent upon genetic modification and social control of WC Americans and Vax Pharma. Working closely with the Centers for Disease and Christianity Control, Vax Pharma created a vast market for vaccines to treat viral diseases that are either hoaxes or that they themselves have unleashed on the unsuspecting public. Significant evidence, all of which has been covered-up, indicates that these vaccines have killed vastly more people than the diseases they are purported to combat. We are talking tens of millions. Moreover, mass vaccination is being used to inject tracking and control microchips, synthetic hormones that trigger homosexuality and gender dysphoria, and genes from docile domestic animals such as sheep and Labrador retrievers.

  • Government-sponsored vaccine research and distribution will be terminated.
  • So-called “public health” measures, such as closures of schools, churches and businesses and the use of masks, will be prohibited as unconstitutional violations of the right to gather, exercise free speech, and breathe freely together in confined spaces regardless of symptoms in the manner of the Founders.
  • The former head of the CDCC, Dr. Anubi Faustus, who is well known to have sold his soul to Vax Pharma, will be arrested and indicted for crimes against humanity, including undermining public access to proven viral disease remedies such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, protoscopic ultraviolet light therapeutics, volcanic ash inhalers, and bleach colonics.